The BETA PROGRAM is an exclusive pool of qualified supplement users that test products before they hit the market. The best feedback we could receive on possible new products is from you, the consumer.
The products being tested are ones that have gone through the initial phases of product development: formulation, flavoring (if applicable), Alpha-testing and compliance.
These products, even when being Beta tested are produced in a GMP compliant & FDA inspected facility. We run small “Micro-Batches” that are tested for purity & potency even before they reach our qualified Beta-testers.
If selected as a supplement Beta tester, you’ll be expected to utilize the supplement you receive for a set period of time, in a very specific dosing protocol.
You’ll document your supplement experiences with the product and take into consideration each aspect of the user experience i.e. flavor, mixability, feel and results.
You’ll then submit feedback on your experiences with the supplement you tested, ultimately providing us information that will be used internally to decide if the product is go-to-market ready or if there are changes/improvements we can make.
Sign up today to join our pool of registered Supplement Beta Testers.
**By Submitting, You will automatically be opted in to receiving MAN Sports email / text messages for training / diet tips, product releases & promotions . If you unsubscribe you will also be removed from receiving Beta Program messages.